May ’23 ENews – Playing for the Same Team

  Our May Enews is packed with updates from our Kanuga clergy Gathering, info on upcoming Gatherings, and the Episcopal Church Foundation’s pre-Pride month work from a variety of voices in the church.  Playing for the Same Team The Rev. Jane Gober attended our North Carolina Gathering at Kanuga and offered a beautiful reflection to…

Playing for the Same Team

At breakfast the morning the conference started, those of us who had arrived the day before gathered at tables and began the joy of what I call ‘Episcopal Tag’, our version of the Kevin Bacon game, but with usually no more than two degrees of separation.  When Presiding Bishop Curry came into the dining area…

April ’23 ENews – The Table is Spread

The Table is Spread Alleluia, Christ is Risen! Easter greetings to you all from my cafe office on a beautiful morning in April. As I multi-task away this morning, working on the GOL Annual Report, our Enews and my parish’s final confirmation class, I’m pondering all of the ways that resurrection is happening around us….

March ’23 ENews – Epic Hospitality

  Epic Hospitality Haley and I are in Jacksonville this week at the Episcopal Parish Network Conference. Day 1 was filled with planning, brainstorming and setting up our table. Days 2 and 3 are flying by, and so far we’re meeting old friends and making new ones, so many of you have stopped by to…

February ’23 Enews – A Vessel to be Filled

A Vessel to be Filled Haley Bankey told me, at my first Gathering in San Antonio last fall, that we provide a vessel to be filled. The Leaders pour into that vessel all of their experience, their expertise, the amazing ideas, and the radical hope that so infiltrates who we are. Our shared knowledge grows…

January ’23 ENews – Ripples of Hope

As cliché as it sounds, January is the time of year that we catch our breath, re-focus our energies, and take stock of the world around us. It is also the time every year when I get to thank God for the blessings that Gathering of Leaders has brought to my life. GOL is so…

December ’22 Enews – Advent Hope & Christmas Greetings

As The Gathering of Leaders Enews lands in your inbox each one of us is squaring up to celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent. I wonder then, where this finds you. Are you in a place of hopeful anticipation, head full of glorious images of bears and cows grazing peacefully? Are the desert roses blooming…

November ’22 Enews – Good News Proclaimed

Good News Proclaimed Gathering of Leaders’ Participants are currently engaging in conversation around our annual theme of “The Missionary Church After Christendom,” and as I read through the e-news below I see the Good News that these conversations are proclaiming. Last month at the Oregon Gathering we were challenged by many peer-presentations, and highlighted below…

Making her breathe – October 2022 Enews

Making Her Breathe Even though I trained in a local iteration of the Iona Collaborative, I am the first person on a priest track to be ordained in my diocese via this formation method. This means that I don’t regularly run into either multi-vocational clergy, or locally trained individuals. As soon as I was offered…

Known and Unknown

Just for a moment, imagine a lighted, furnished dining room:   I see into the room and you see into the room yet when asked “What do you see?” our responses most often differ. One of us most likely will describe the room, perhaps remarking on the size and shape of it, while the other…