Showing up in Memphis

Gathering of Leaders offers a community–not just for validation–but for bold exploration. At the April retreat, we were invited to explore our leadership roles through examples of ministry, fellowship with other leaders, and selections of Scripture.  One of my biggest takeaways from this retreat was the opportunity to step back and see the dynamically fluid…

Memphis & Me

When I arrive at my first-ever Gathering of Leaders at St. Columba Episcopal Camp and Conference Center in Memphis, Tennessee last month, I do so with my eyes shut.   In many ways, I know this place. I live in Memphis and serve the Diocese of West Tennessee, and St. Columba is an essential part of…

Challenging Gifts

The Rev. Glenna Huber offered this reflection after her first Gathering in Maryland, which took place in October of 2023. In October of 2023 I was finally able to attend my first Gathering of Leaders. A confluence of life events had caused me to cancel or pass on previous invitations, but this year the time…

He said yes.

David Hoover attended our Lay Gathering Chicago in the Spring of 2023 and offers this excellent reflection on his experience: A priest friend invited me. I had never heard of the Gathering of Leaders. She said this was something that I would love and was eligible for since lay people were now also gathering. I…

A secret society

Canon Katie Clark offers this insightful reflection after attending the Chicago Lay Leader Gathering.  “How did you get invited into the secret society?” This question came from a clergy colleague who has always wanted to attend Gathering of Leaders. While we both had a great laugh about her question, I had to admit that I…

Treasure Beyond Price & June ENEWS

The Rev. Jen Fulton offers this essay on her experience at the 2023 Kanuga Clergy Gathering:  A wise woman once said to me, “I love Jesus, but I don’t always care for His fan club.” It is  probably not very priestly to admit this, but I completely empathize with this sentiment. I don’t  care for…

Playing for the Same Team

At breakfast the morning the conference started, those of us who had arrived the day before gathered at tables and began the joy of what I call ‘Episcopal Tag’, our version of the Kevin Bacon game, but with usually no more than two degrees of separation.  When Presiding Bishop Curry came into the dining area…

Reflection on Albuquerque – The Rev. Hannah Atkins Romero

As the snow began to lightly fall at the Bosque Center, this Houstonian felt like a kid at Christmas. It had been a long time since I had seen snowfall. I headed outside for a walk and was soon joined by a colleague that I had just met but who already seemed like an old…

Reflection on Albuquerque – The Rev. Sheldon Hamblin

The Bosque Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico was the venue for the first GOL gathering for the new decade. The Bosque Center was designed to be a place for “Spiritual Renewal.” On many levels this was the ideal place for the Gathering of Leaders as we gathered intentionally focused on the theme: “Money & Mission…

Reflection on Albuquerque – The Rev. Andrew Van Kirk

Lots of the extraneous stuff about my first Gathering of Leaders in Albuquerque was excellent: the food, the beautiful snowfall over the Rio Grande, the retreat house. But the real blessing was the opportunity to meet with and learn from other clergy from around the church — and not just about money and mission in…