August ’22 ENews – Throwing Open the Doors

(Written as the Curator’s letter for the August 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) Throwing Open the Doors When my alarm went off this morning, I noted it was just a little darker outside that I’ve grown used to. In my town we celebrate the United States Coast Guard with a week long…

July ’22 E-News – Gathering at Philadelphia

(Written as the editor’s letter for the July 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) What a joy it was to host the most recent Gathering at Philadelphia. This was our first in-person Gathering since last October, and GOL’s first time enjoying the serenity at Pendle Hill retreat center. We also welcomed 15 new Participants to the…

May ’22 Enews – Is It Summer Yet?

(Written as the editor’s letter for the May 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) May [mey]: The month when everyone tries to fit in just one more event to celebrate the end of the school year. We’re in the home stretch of the school year and for many of you that also means…

July ’22 Enews – Choose Your Own Adventure

(Written as the editor’s letter for the April 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) This is the time of year when my calender eases up, meetings don’t get booked, I have silence during the workday, and I get to mark tasks off my ever growing ‘to do’ list…. Then I see memes like…

March ’22 Enews – Embrace Creativity

(Written as the editor’s letter for the March 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) I’m totally late to the game, but I finally began listening to Bishop Rob Wright’s podcast named For People (Listen here). I started with the pilot episode, as one should, and didn’t realize that it was posted exactly two…

February ’22 Enews – Untangling Yarn & Planting Sprouts

(Written as the editor’s letter for the January 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) Last week I listened to Lydia Bucklin offer her thoughts on how a knitter approaches untangling a skein of yarn. If you tug at either end of the knot you will only tangle it worse and make it more…

January ’22 Enews – An Exchange of Gifts

(Written as the editor’s letter for the January 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) We’re nearing the end of January and a colleague of mine recently shared a reflection based on Katherine May’s book Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times which I found particularly apropos for our network of…

December ’21 Enews – Momentum

(Written as the editor’s letter for the December 2021 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) Right now GOL is a snowball rolling faster and faster downhill, gathering momentum and energy with every turn of the sphere. Each conversation makes us move a little bit faster and each relationship builds on the success before it….

November ’21 Enews – Ending as a New Beginning

(Written as the editor’s letter for the November 2021 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) 51 days until the New Year. What?!? My youngest daughter is obsessed with countdowns. How many days until Halloween? How many days until Thanksgiving? How many days until we get chickens? (Yes… chickens.) Even when you live your life…

October ’21 Enews – Proclaim the Good News of the Gospel

(Written as the editor’s letter for the October 2021 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) Scrolling through my Facebook feed (looking at cat videos!) I came across this jewel of a post from Rev. Ben Maddison: This is the very essence of Gathering of Leaders! The Great Commission is our founding principle and the…